Work is graaaaand right now, they've given the store more hours on the floor and checkouts, so my paycheck will be that little bit heavier while it skips to my bank account each week! I've also been made a supervisor and I'm *hopefully* guaranteed at least 30 hours a week. So chuffed about this because I've only been there a year and I get a shiny new badge and more Respect among the minions ;) This one is a definite WIN.
I recently found out that there's a 90% chance Less Than Jake will be playing in the UK next October...I can't believe the timing on this one, because that's when the Green Day gigs are. As long as things don't clash and everything works out, I will be having a very amazing Rocktober! God, imagine that?! Seeing my two favourite bands in the entire world days apart!! Once again, WIN.
I finally finished college two weeks ago :) I am now qualified with a diploma in Graphic Design...that's probably of no use to me ever again, but what the hey! I didn't make it to graduation because I was working, but I wish I did; I actually won the student of the year award in my class. Totally stoked, check this shit out!

It will be forever placed in my chamber of pride....until next year when they'll want it back.

Seriously can't get enough of this 21st Century Breakdown, I love it to bits. I just feel that it's more clever than American Idiot and it's far more developed and mature; like a good cheese :) Peacemaker is my new favourite Green Day song at the moment, and East Jesus Nowhere. Lyrics = genius. Billie Joe and Vinnie are seriously my heros when it comes to song writing!!! <3 <3
Heading out tonight for Stephen's book launch in the Gingerman pub (I think) off Pearse st in town. I had a quick look at the prototype but I didn't want to read too much. It all sounds amazing though! Hazel and Eoghan can't come though because they're in Las Vegas. So lucky!! :( I wish I was with them, this time last year I was in America! I loved absolutely every single thing about it...well, except the fact that my ex was with me and now it's like "euggh" when I think about some parts of it.
Rob and I are gonna tear up Fibbers tomorrow night, Karaoke style :P I haven't been there on any night other than a Thursday, so this will be amazing. I'm not sure what to request: Less Than Jake, Green Day or The Bosstones. Decisions, decisions, decisions....
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