Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Nobody likes you, everyone left you.

Tour kicked off in Seattle three days ago. Apparently they're bringing people up to sing Longview. I've decided that I'm going to be that person in either Belfast or Dublin. I just have to do it, and it'll be great. Billie Joe and I will form an alliance and then I will join the group on the rest of the European tour.

I think I must have seriously given it away to yer man the other week. I tried to make awkward small talk but I'm pretty sure he saw right through me. The only thing I would question is, when I was out in the back yard last weekend, he was across the way talking to some of the other guys who work in PHQ having a cigarette. He totally saw me, he must have. Then, coincidentally, he happened to come into the shop moments later as I was coming back from my car. If it had been 3 seconds earlier, I would have walked right by him.

Going to Wexford tomorrow for a few days, should be interesting. I haven't been there in a few years. Then I only have to work the next couple of weeks and I'm off on on holidays for a fortnight. Heading down to Cork first and then (hopefully) alot of Fibbers antics will ensue, given the fact that Joey will be back home!!

Song of the century: Lights Out

^ Har, irony.

1 comment:

Joey said...

Woo! Go me!!! Bringing the party back to Dublin, baby!!