I wonder how many times I have said "Oh, only a few weeks left of college!" But the weeks just keep dragging on and on and on. Every time I think I'm done, there's something else that's dragged out. Everything was meant to be due in yesterday but they've stretched the deadline til next Friday. That just means more work and stress for another week; I wish they had just left it the way it was. And even when I am finished all the projects and they're handed in, there's still a presentation week that we have to come in for, and I don't know how I'll get the time off work. I doubt I'll even go to my graduation because I know I won't get the day off, it's a Saturday. Ugh, work and college combined = major shite. People who only work 1 or 2 days a week while they're in college are lucky! I had a look at next week's roster and I'm down to work 34 hours....on my alleged "last week" of college; can't believe it, I don't know how I'm going to finish everything in time. I know I probably sound really moany but it's really shit when you come home from work after doing 10.30-7.30 and you have to start doing college work even though you're wrecked and you're in again the next morning from 7-4. =[
The only thing that keeps me feeling positive lately is the fact that I've just booked tickets to go to three Green Day shows in October. The gigs were only announced on Monday and tickets for the Dublin show (which was the first show out of the entire world tour to sell tickets first) went on sale two days later! There was absolute pandemonium on the Idiot Club all week; we only got the presale information the day before the tickets went on sale for the Belfast and the UK on Friday and everyone was convinced that they wouldn't get tickets. I was having mini palpitations myself when I was trying to book the tickets for Manchester and Belfast simultaneously, but I did it fine so it's grand. Going to Dublin, Manchester and Belfast and I really can't wait!! I haven't seen them since January 05, it's been so long.
I just wish LTJ would come to Ireland now and again. They've only been here twice and I know they'd easily sell out the Ambassador again. I really want to see them in Amsterdam/Germany etc. in June but it's so unlikely with the cost of the Green Day tickets, college and the car. I'm hoping that they might do a small UK tour in October/November again like they did last year. (Although it better not be when Green Day is playing!!)
The only thing that keeps me feeling positive lately is the fact that I've just booked tickets to go to three Green Day shows in October. The gigs were only announced on Monday and tickets for the Dublin show (which was the first show out of the entire world tour to sell tickets first) went on sale two days later! There was absolute pandemonium on the Idiot Club all week; we only got the presale information the day before the tickets went on sale for the Belfast and the UK on Friday and everyone was convinced that they wouldn't get tickets. I was having mini palpitations myself when I was trying to book the tickets for Manchester and Belfast simultaneously, but I did it fine so it's grand. Going to Dublin, Manchester and Belfast and I really can't wait!! I haven't seen them since January 05, it's been so long.
I just wish LTJ would come to Ireland now and again. They've only been here twice and I know they'd easily sell out the Ambassador again. I really want to see them in Amsterdam/Germany etc. in June but it's so unlikely with the cost of the Green Day tickets, college and the car. I'm hoping that they might do a small UK tour in October/November again like they did last year. (Although it better not be when Green Day is playing!!)
I don't think LTJ at the Ambassador was anywhere near soldout last time.
Pretty sure they did
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