So my computer is fucked. Smoke started pouring out of it on Wednesday evening and my Mum rang my Uncle to see if he knew what was wrong with it. Apparently the motherboard is fried and he's trying to get the hard-drive out for me. God, if the hard-drive is fucked then I am seriously fucked! My college work, my music, photos, programs, everything is on it. I hope it's ok! =[
Fibbers was alot of fun the other night, except it was pretty weird that both Rob and Derk were there. And Rob asked me out again....but then agreed with me when I said no, again. He can be so weird! But hanging out with Derk was fun, he's so american haha. Well ok he's not actually american but he may as well be! He has the accent and keeps saying things like "hun" and "you know, girl!" Amannd we had a pretty awesome moment on the dance floor ;) I can't believe yer man played Rancid for me again, but I was too drunk to do my amazing ska dance to it. God that DJ guy is really hot though.
It was really weird though, because this girl who I only met a few times before came over to me at the bar and was like "Hi Isabel!" and there was a genuine split second where I was like "Oh god, I don't know who this person is." It turned out to be Aidan's girlfriend, Leanne. I suppose I didn't recognise her because I hadn't seen her in a long time and I was never really introduced to her properly. And I was surprised that she remembred me. Then I felt bad because I didn't rcognise her. She was so nice to me though, asking me how I was and stuff.
The LTJ US tour starts next Friday, I really wish I could go. =[ I can't WAIT to see them in June. Someone uploaded Chris's solo material the other day and I had a listen to it. It's amazing!!! There's this one song called "I Know" and I can't stop listening to it. It's not like your average mellow and boring solo stuff, it's way better.
The guy from PHQ came into work again the other night and like, he actually has to be the hottest person I've ever seen. It's crazy!
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