Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And you're wasting your time

It's Pancake Tuesday today and I'm majorly excited. We totally forgot about it last year and haven't had a memorable once since the time the electricity went out and Noreen locked herself in the bathroom, snapping the key. I'm 90% sure that was in 2001...8 years! I always thought Pancake Tuesday was in March though, not February.

I must have had the worst mid-term ever, all I did was college projects and go to work. I only got to hang out with friends once and I even had to swap my shift to make that happen. It was the best night though, we played the DIRT game. I haven't laughed so much in ages. ALOT of secrets were discovered that night, haha.

So apparently I'm going over to Birmingham in March to hang out with Ian for the weekend. My parents were all like "But who is this guy?" even though we have actually met already. I'm looking forward to it! I like England, I've always had nice experiences whenever I've been there. And hopefully we'll go to Cardiff to meet up with the other girls who were at LTJ in Manchester. I'm getting a week off work too, so good times all around. AND my easter holidays are the week after...2 weeks off from college. =]

Heading into Fibbers on Thursday for Joey's going away thing. Can't believe she's leaving for 6 months!! It'll be team IR instead of team JIR =[

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