Saturday, February 14, 2009

Big plans, big crash

Working 4-10 today. It's actually the worst shift ever! I don't even know why; I just know that I hate it. Have to do 7.30-3.30 tomorrow, that means sunday papers on my own =[ But sure at least I'll be off early.

Yeah, I don't really know what to write......nothing much has been going on. Except PHQ guy came in last night. I got super nervous when I had to serve him, it was gas. I felt like a goon but sometimes I can hide the fact that I like someone reeeeeally well. I think I managed that last night. It's funny how he doesn't even know who I am. =P

So it's the 14th of February today. You should have seen the number of guys buying roses and chocolates last night. Some of them were going mad that we
didn't have any valentines day cards left. I was like: "Eh, its the day before Valentines Day....leaving it a bit late?" I'm hoping that it won't be too busy this evening, given the day that's in it. Fingers crossed!

I'm really getting into The Mighty, Mighty Bosstones at the moment, they're so amazing. I downloaded their entire discography [or thereabouts] the other day. Noise Brigade is ACTUALLY the best song.

And this is ACTUALLY the best picture ever:

Billie Joe only gets better looking! Can't fucking wait until the new album comes out in May!!!!!

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